There are many great sites on the internet but trying to actually find those great sites can be a frustrating experience. We have compiled a list of Websites that we have found to be helpful resources of information. When you click on a link, a new window will pop up. Close the window when you are ready to return to this page.
The Internal Revenue Service
Tax information for individuals and businesses. Also check the status of your tax refund online!
Money Magazine
Money Magazine offers an online edition that is a great resource for financial information.
Wisconsin Department of Revenue
The Wisconsin Department of Revenue has done a good job at making their site user friendly. You can check the status of your refund in less than one minute!
MSNBC – Microsoft & NBC
MSNBC is the place for up to the minute news. Many of the news articles have audio and video clips.
Department of Financial Institutions
Do you want to start an LLC? Here is a link to get started on your new business. You do need a credit card to pay for the online application. The entire process is very easy to understand and we have used this site for our own clients.
Eftps- Federal Tax Payment Site
Click this link to pay your federal tax payments online. Everything from FUTA to Individual Balances due.
Wisconsin – My Tax AccountÂ
Click this link to pay your Wisconsin tax payments online. Everything from Unemployment to Withholding.